Sunday, 20 November 2011

Digital Natives

What are Digital Natives?

 A digital native is a branding given to someone who was born into the digital age. By interacting with digital technology from an early age, these digital natives have, in general, a better understanding. They (digital natives), through their ease in using digital technology from an early age, are helping to create a new definition of 21st century literacy where aural, visual and digital literacy overlap. (Cathleen Bourdon)
There are various arguments as to when the term 'digital native' should herald it's origins to and it has led to some heated debates over the years however, the general consensus is that it the term incorporates anybody that was born after 1980. In my personal opinion, I do not wholly agree with this as I believe it wasn't until the birth of the internet in 1991 that the digital revolution took hold. Having been born in 1984 and not having internet access at school or home until 1997, with only a TV and a basic Nintendo computer gaming system for entertainment. This meant that socialising with friends outdoors and the reading of books still played prominent roles in my household. However, I do now feel that I may have become a digital native, although I was not born into the technology, instead it has developed as I have grown, becoming increasingly more available and unavoidable in both home and within the school environment.

How have companies adapted to reach out to digital natives?

Here is a list of means that, according to a blog by Jon Aguirre, marketing departments have developed in order to reach out and interest digital natives. He states the following:

  Here are some important aspects and "new rules" of marketing that can help you out to reach Digital Natives.

1) Talking directly to your customer where they are…ON:

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Plurk, blogs, and other social platforms

2) Provide customers (Digital Natives) with interesting content, exciting information easy to read but informative enough. It should be instantaneous information because they are used to give and receive it immediately. Remember they are impatient because grew up in an environment and conditioned for instant gratification. They might get bored if the information flow is poor or too slow

3) Creating content to share. Encourage digital natives to share content that you are producing. They grew up in a world that is connected, accessible and where interacting is one of their favorite activities

4) Personalization plays an important role when reaching digital natives. Merchants can target their marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person’s name, interests, and past visits, purchases etc.

5) Fostering brand loyalty. The loyalty of digital natives can be intense, and some may, entirely on their own accord, evangelize your brand or product.

6) Interact with them read about what they think of your products and give directly and personalize feedback to them. The modern consumer wants their voice heard. Their needs are individual and they want providers to respond to their specific requirements and feedback

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